What Is A Critical Degree In Astrology - Celestial Inspire (2024)

Astrology is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to gain insight into human behavior and personality. It is based on the belief that the positions and movements of celestial bodies can influence and provide information about individuals and their lives. By analyzing the positions of the sun, moon, planets, and other celestial objects at the time of a person’s birth, astrologers can create a birth chart, which serves as a blueprint of their personality and life events.

Astrology is more than just a belief system; it is a tool for self-discovery and self-reflection. By understanding the astrological influences at play in our lives, we can gain a deeper understanding of our strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. It can provide valuable insights into why we behave the way we do, our preferences and tendencies, and our unique qualities and talents.

One of the main reasons astrology is important in understanding human behavior and personality is its ability to provide a holistic view of individuals. It takes into account various factors, such as the positions of the planets in different signs, the aspects they form with each other, and the houses they occupy in the birth chart. This multifaceted approach allows for a comprehensive analysis of a person’s character, providing a more nuanced understanding of their traits and tendencies.

Definition of AstrologyImportance of Astrology
Astrology is the practice of studying the positions and movements of celestial bodies to gain insights into human behavior and personality.Astrology is important in understanding human behavior and personality as it provides a holistic view of individuals, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of their traits and tendencies.

Overview of Astrology

Astrology is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to gain insights into human behavior and personality traits. It is based on the belief that there is a correlation between the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars, and events happening on Earth.

Brief History of Astrology

Astrology dates back thousands of years and has roots in different cultures around the world. The earliest known records of astrological practices can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia, where the movements of celestial bodies were observed and recorded. Astrology then spread to ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where it was integrated into various aspects of society, including religion, politics, and medicine.

During the Renaissance period, astrology experienced a resurgence in popularity in Europe and was widely studied by scholars and philosophers. However, with the advent of modern science and the Age of Enlightenment, astrology began to lose its credibility and was often dismissed as pseudoscience.

Different Branches of Astrology

Natal AstrologyFocuses on an individual’s birth chart to determine their personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life events.
Horary AstrologyAnswers specific questions by creating a chart for the moment the question is asked.
Mundane AstrologyExamines the astrological influences on world events, such as political changes, natural disasters, and social trends.
Medical AstrologyExplores the connection between astrology and health, using the birth chart to identify potential health concerns.

Astrology also encompasses other branches, such as electional astrology (selecting auspicious times for important events), financial astrology (analyzing financial markets), and relationship astrology (assessing compatibility between individuals).

Overall, astrology offers a diverse range of methods and approaches to understanding the complexities of human behavior and the world we live in. Whether studying the birth chart, predicting future events, or exploring the impact of celestial bodies, astrology continues to captivate and intrigue individuals seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe.

Understanding critical degrees in astrology

Astrology is a complex and ancient practice that seeks to understand and interpret the celestial movements and their impact on human behavior and personality. One of the key elements in astrology is the concept of critical degrees. In this section, we will delve into the definition, significance, and role of critical degrees in astrological interpretations.

Definition and significance of critical degrees

In astrology, critical degrees refer to specific degrees in a zodiac sign that are believed to carry heightened importance and significance. These degrees are often seen as thresholds or turning points in a person’s life or in the interpretation of a birth chart. The critical degrees are determined based on the specific astrological system or tradition being used.

The significance of critical degrees lies in their ability to amplify the energies and influences of the planets and signs involved. They are considered to be sensitive points that can trigger important events, transitions, or shifts in a person’s life. Astrologers pay close attention to these degrees as they can provide valuable insights into a person’s journey and the potential challenges and opportunities they may encounter.

Role of critical degrees in astrological interpretations

When analyzing a birth chart or conducting astrological readings, astrologers consider the critical degrees as crucial indicators of certain themes or characteristics. These degrees can shed light on the intensity, potency, and possible outcomes of planetary energies involved. By identifying the critical degrees in a chart, astrologers can provide more precise and nuanced interpretations.

For example, if a person has their Sun at a critical degree in their birth chart, it may suggest that their sense of self, identity, and purpose will undergo a significant transformation or will be a driving force in their life. Similarly, if a planet forms an aspect with a critical degree, it can indicate a heightened influence or impact of that planet in the individual’s life.

Critical DegreeSignificance
0 degreesSymbolizes new beginnings, fresh starts, and initiations
15 degreesIndicates a midpoint or turning point in a particular sign or planet’s energy
29 degreesSignifies the end or culmination of a sign or planet’s energy

Understanding critical degrees in astrology allows for a deeper understanding of the complexities and subtleties of an individual’s birth chart. By recognizing the significance of these degrees, astrologers can provide more accurate and insightful interpretations, helping individuals gain a greater understanding of themselves and their life experiences.

Astrological aspects and critical degrees

Astrological aspects are the angles formed between planets or points in a birth chart. They provide insights into the various energies at play and how they interact with each other. Aspects are crucial in understanding the dynamics and potentials within a person’s life, as they influence personality traits, relationships, and life events.

There are several types of aspects in astrology, including conjunctions, oppositions, squares, trines, and sextiles. Each aspect has a unique energy and impact on the individuals involved. Conjunctions occur when planets are in close proximity to each other, intensifying their combined energies. Oppositions create tension and challenges, as planets are directly across from each other. Squares represent conflicts and obstacles, while trines and sextiles indicate harmony and opportunities for growth.

When it comes to critical degrees, they add an additional layer of significance to astrological aspects. Critical degrees are specific points in a sign that hold heightened importance due to their proximity to the end or beginning of a sign. For example, the 29th degree of any sign is considered critical, as it signifies the completion of a cycle and the preparation for a new one.

AspectCritical Degree Significance
ConjunctionCritical degrees intensify the combined energies of the planets, creating a strong impact on the individual’s personality and life events.
OppositionCritical degrees in oppositions can indicate significant turning points or conflicts in the individual’s life, as the opposing energies clash.
SquareCritical degrees in square aspects can amplify the challenges and obstacles faced by the individual, pushing them to grow and overcome difficulties.
TrineCritical degrees in trines indicate a harmonious flow of energy, offering the individual favorable opportunities for growth and development.
SextileCritical degrees in sextiles create favorable circ*mstances for the individual to make productive connections and collaborations in their life.

Understanding the interplay between astrological aspects and critical degrees allows astrologers to delve deeper into the complexities of a person’s chart. The specific degrees at which aspects occur can hold insights into key events, challenges, and potentials in an individual’s life.

Individuals with critical degrees in their birth charts may have a heightened sense of purpose or intensity in the areas associated with those degrees. For example, someone with a critical degree aspect involving Mars (the planet of action and aggression) may possess a strong drive and determination, propelling them towards achieving their goals.

It is important to note that critical degrees do not guarantee specific outcomes, but rather provide valuable information to guide astrological interpretations. They offer a deeper understanding of the energies at play and can help individuals navigate their lives with greater insight and self-awareness.

Identifying critical degrees

Identifying critical degrees in astrology is a crucial step in understanding the deeper layers of a person’s birth chart. These specific degrees hold significant meaning and can provide valuable insights into an individual’s personality traits and life events. Astrologers use various tools and techniques to identify these critical degrees and unlock their potential influence.

One of the commonly used tools in identifying critical degrees is an astrological software or calculator. These programs have built-in algorithms that calculate and highlight the critical degrees in a birth chart. They provide a quick and accurate way to pinpoint the exact degrees that hold special significance.

Another technique used by astrologers is manual calculation. This involves studying the planetary positions in the birth chart and determining the degrees that align with specific critical points. For example, astrologers may identify critical degrees by examining the exact degree where a planet changes zodiac signs, known as the “anaretic degree.” This degree is believed to hold intense energy and may indicate significant transitional periods in a person’s life.

ExampleCritical DegreeInterpretation
Chart A29 degreesThe presence of a planet at 29 degrees suggests a sense of urgency and intensity in the associated area of life. It may indicate a need for completion and a sense of urgency in manifesting the energy represented by that planet.
Chart B0 degreesA planet at 0 degrees signals a fresh start and new beginnings. It represents the initial energy of the planet as it enters a sign. Individuals with planets at 0 degrees may possess strong leadership qualities and a pioneering spirit.
Chart C15 degrees15 degrees is considered a critical midpoint. Planets placed at this degree may indicate a significant turning point or a need for balance and integration between different aspects represented by the planets involved.

These examples illustrate the diverse nature of critical degrees and their potential impact on an individual’s life. It is important for astrologers to consider these degrees in combination with other factors in a birth chart to gain a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s unique astrological makeup.

Identifying critical degrees allows astrologers to delve deeper into the nuances of a birth chart and provide more accurate interpretations. By recognizing the specific degrees that hold special significance, astrologers can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their own personalities, tendencies, and potential life events.

Interpretation of critical degrees

In astrology, critical degrees play a significant role in shaping the interpretation of planetary energies. These degrees are believed to amplify or intensify the influence of the planets, making them crucial points of focus in analyzing a birth chart. By understanding the influence of critical degrees, astrologers can gain deeper insights into an individual’s personality traits and life events.

When a planet is located at a critical degree, it is said to be at a critical point of intensity. This means that the planet’s energy is heightened, and its impact on the individual is similarly intensified. For example, a planet at 0 degrees of a sign is considered to be at a critical degree, and its influence is believed to be particularly powerful.

To illustrate the influence of critical degrees on planetary energies, let’s consider the planet Mercury. Mercury is associated with communication, intellect, and the mind. When Mercury is at a critical degree, such as 29 degrees of a sign, its influence is intensified, and the individual may possess an exceptional intellect or have a heightened ability to communicate effectively.

PlanetCritical DegreeInfluence
Mercury0 degreesExceptional intellect and communication skills
Venus15 degreesStrong aesthetic sense and harmonious relationships
Mars22 degreesIntense drive and assertiveness

Not only do critical degrees influence planetary energies, but they also have a profound impact on an individual’s personality traits and life events. For instance, an individual with a critical degree at 29 degrees of a sign may possess a strong sense of purpose and determination in achieving their goals. This intensified energy can manifest in various areas of life, such as career success, personal relationships, or creative pursuits.

Furthermore, critical degrees can also indicate significant turning points or transformative events in an individual’s life. When a planet is at a critical degree during a major transit or progression, it can signify a moment of heightened intensity and significance. This could range from a major life decision, a significant relationship development, or a career breakthrough.

Overall, the interpretation of critical degrees in astrology provides valuable insights into the intensity and impact of planetary energies. By understanding the influence of these degrees, astrologers can uncover hidden aspects of an individual’s personality and gain a deeper understanding of the significant events that may shape their life trajectory.

Case Studies on Critical Degrees

One of the fascinating aspects of astrology is its ability to provide insights into the lives of famous individuals. By analyzing the charts of these notable figures, we can gain a deeper understanding of how critical degrees manifest in different individuals and identify any patterns or commonalities. Let’s explore some intriguing case studies:

Analysis of Famous Individuals’ Charts with Critical Degrees

One notable case study is the chart of Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist. In his chart, there are several critical degrees that are significant in understanding his genius and revolutionary ideas. For instance, his Sun is at a critical degree of 29 degrees Gemini, which adds intensity and a sense of urgency to his intellectual pursuits. This critical degree suggests that Einstein’s ideas and theories would have a profound impact on the world.

Another interesting case study is the chart of Oprah Winfrey, the influential television host and philanthropist. In her chart, we find a critical degree at 0 degrees Scorpio, which signifies a powerful transformative energy. This critical degree suggests that Winfrey’s personal transformation and ability to inspire and uplift others would be a significant part of her life’s purpose.

Examination of Patterns and Commonalities in Critical Degrees

When examining the charts of famous individuals with critical degrees, we can identify certain patterns and commonalities. For example, many successful entrepreneurs and business leaders have critical degrees in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) indicating their drive, ambition, and leadership qualities.

Additionally, it is not uncommon to find critical degrees in the charts of artists and performers, particularly in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). These critical degrees often enhance their creative expression and ability to connect with audiences on a deep emotional level.

Famous IndividualCritical DegreeSignificance
Albert Einstein29 degrees GeminiIntense intellectual pursuits
Oprah Winfrey0 degrees ScorpioTransformation and inspiration

These case studies and patterns highlight the significance of critical degrees in astrology. By understanding the influence of critical degrees on the lives of famous individuals, we can gain valuable insights into our own charts and the potential impact of critical degrees on our own personality traits and life events.

Controversies and debates surrounding critical degrees

When it comes to the significance of critical degrees in astrology, there are varying perspectives among astrologers. Some view critical degrees as highly influential and believe that they indicate important turning points or pivotal moments in a person’s life. These astrologers argue that critical degrees can amplify the energies of the planets involved, resulting in significant events or shifts in one’s life path. They emphasize the need to pay attention to these degrees in order to gain deeper insights into a person’s chart.

On the other hand, there are critics and alternative viewpoints that challenge the significance of critical degrees. They argue that assigning special importance to these degrees is unnecessary and can lead to cherry-picking of data in order to fit a specific narrative. They believe that focusing too much on critical degrees can detract from the overall understanding of a person’s chart and may even lead to inaccuracies in astrological interpretations.

Different PerspectivesCriticisms and Alternative Viewpoints
– Some astrologers argue that critical degrees can indicate major life events or turning points.– Critics believe that assigning special importance to critical degrees can lead to cherry-picking of data.
– They emphasize the need to pay attention to critical degrees for deeper insights into a person’s chart.– Focusing too much on critical degrees can detract from the overall understanding of a person’s chart.
– Critical degrees can amplify the energies of the planets involved, resulting in significant events or shifts in one’s life path.– Critics argue that it may lead to inaccuracies in astrological interpretations.

These debates surrounding critical degrees highlight the ongoing discussions and differing opinions within the astrological community. While some astrologers find value in considering critical degrees, others caution against giving them excessive importance.

It is important for astrologers and enthusiasts to be aware of these debates and make informed choices based on their own understanding and experience. Ultimately, the interpretation of critical degrees may vary from one astrologer to another, and individuals are encouraged to explore and form their own opinions on the matter.

Practical Applications of Critical Degrees in Astrology

Using Critical Degrees in Predictive Astrology

In predictive astrology, critical degrees play a significant role in forecasting future events and understanding the timing of important life events. Astrologers analyze the positions of planets in relation to critical degrees to gain insights into the potential challenges or opportunities that individuals may encounter at specific times.

By observing the interactions between critical degrees and planetary movements, astrologers can make predictions about the timing of significant life events such as career advancements, relationship changes, or health issues. For example, if a critical degree aligns with the movement of Mars, it may indicate a period of increased energy and assertiveness, which could lead to career success or conflicts in personal relationships.

Additionally, the use of critical degrees in predictive astrology can help individuals make informed decisions about the most favorable times to take action or make important life changes. By considering the alignment of critical degrees with personal planetary placements, individuals can optimize their chances for success and fulfillment.

Incorporating Critical Degrees in Birth Chart Interpretations

In birth chart interpretations, critical degrees offer valuable insights into an individual’s personality traits and life experiences. Astrologers examine the positions of planets at critical degrees to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and potentials that shape a person’s character.

By examining critical degrees in a birth chart, astrologers can identify areas of intensity or tension in an individual’s life. For example, a critical degree aligning with the placement of the Moon could suggest emotional sensitivity and a heightened need for emotional security. Understanding these critical degrees can help individuals navigate their emotional landscapes and develop strategies for self-care.

Furthermore, critical degrees can provide astrologers with clues about an individual’s life purpose and potential for personal growth. By considering the alignment of critical degrees with important planetary placements, astrologers can offer guidance on how to harness their strengths and overcome challenges. Understanding the significance of critical degrees in birth chart interpretations allows individuals to gain deeper insights into their own unique journey and purpose.

Using Critical Degrees in Predictive AstrologyIncorporating Critical Degrees in Birth Chart Interpretations
– Predicting future events and timing of life events
– Analyzing planetary positions in relation to critical degrees
– Identifying challenges and opportunities
– Understanding personality traits and life experiences
– Identifying areas of intensity or tension
– Providing guidance on life purpose and personal growth

After exploring the concept of critical degrees in astrology, it is evident that they play a significant role in understanding human behavior and personality. Critical degrees are specific degrees in an astrological chart that carry a heightened level of energy and importance. They have the potential to influence the interpretation of planetary energies and can provide valuable insights into an individual’s life events and personality traits.

Throughout history, astrology has been used as a tool to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Critical degrees add another layer of complexity to this practice, offering unique perspectives and nuances to astrological interpretations.

To identify critical degrees, astrologers use a variety of tools and techniques such as software programs, ephemerides, and chart calculations. These critical degrees can be found in different astrological charts, including birth charts, natal charts, and transit charts.

Software programsEphemerides
Chart calculationsOther astrological software

The interpretation of critical degrees is crucial in understanding the influence they have on planetary energies. These degrees can intensify or bring about unique qualities to the planets they are associated with. They can also impact an individual’s personality traits and major life events.

By studying the charts of famous individuals, patterns and commonalities in critical degrees can be identified. This analysis can provide valuable insights into the significance and potential impact of critical degrees in astrology.

While there may be controversies and debates surrounding the significance of critical degrees, they cannot be ignored in astrological interpretations. They offer a fresh perspective and can provide additional layers of meaning to astrological readings.

In conclusion, critical degrees in astrology are essential in gaining a deeper understanding of human behavior and personality. They add depth and complexity to astrological interpretations, allowing astrologers to uncover hidden aspects of an individual’s life and character. By incorporating critical degrees into astrological practice, astrologers can provide more accurate and insightful readings, helping individuals on their personal and spiritual journeys.

FAQ about What Is A Critical Degree In Astrology

What is a critical degree in astrology?

A critical degree in astrology refers to a specific degree point within a zodiac sign that holds heightened significance. It is believed that planets located at critical degrees have a stronger influence on an individual’s life and personality traits.

What is the significance of critical degrees in astrology?

Critical degrees are considered important in astrology as they indicate pivotal points in a person’s birth chart. Planets located at these degrees can have a more pronounced impact on an individual’s life events and personality characteristics.

How do critical degrees affect astrological interpretations?

Critical degrees play a significant role in astrological interpretations by highlighting key areas of focus in a person’s life. They can provide valuable insights into a person’s strengths, challenges, and potential life experiences.

How can I identify critical degrees in my astrological chart?

There are various tools and techniques used to identify critical degrees in an astrological chart. Astrologers often look for planets positioned at 0, 13, and 26 degrees of each zodiac sign, as these are considered critical degrees.

Can you provide examples of critical degrees in different astrological charts?

Certainly! Examples of critical degrees can include planets positioned at 0 degrees Aries, 13 degrees Leo, or 26 degrees Scorpio. These specific degrees hold significance and offer valuable insights into an individual’s chart.

How do critical degrees influence personality traits and life events?

Critical degrees are believed to intensify the energies of the planets involved, which can impact an individual’s personality traits and life events. They can amplify certain characteristics and experiences, leading to a more prominent influence on an individual’s overall astrological profile.

Are there any commonalities or patterns in critical degrees among different individuals?

Yes, there can be commonalities and patterns in critical degrees among different individuals. Astrologers often observe similarities in critical degrees among people sharing the same zodiac sign or those born in the same time period.

What controversies and debates surround the concept of critical degrees?

The significance of critical degrees in astrology is a topic of debate among astrologers. While some firmly believe in their importance, others may view them as less significant or even dismiss them entirely. It is essential to explore various perspectives and draw conclusions based on personal beliefs and experiences.

How can critical degrees be practically applied in astrology?

Critical degrees can be used in predictive astrology to gain insights into important life events and potential areas of growth or challenges. They can also be incorporated into birth chart interpretations to provide a deeper understanding of an individual’s astrological profile.

What Is A Critical Degree In Astrology - Celestial Inspire (1)

Jason the Soul

Hi! I’m Jason Soul, an astrology enthusiast who created a website to share my passion for the stars. Through daily horoscopes and personalized readings, I strive to connect others with the cosmic patterns that influence our lives.

What Is A Critical Degree In Astrology - Celestial Inspire (2024)


What does a critical degree mean in astrology? ›

A critical degree in the birth chart can make you more sensitive and intuitive and push you to work harder to attain what you want most. It's important to remember that astrology has no wrong or right aspects. It is just the energy that you are meant to work with in this lifetime.

What are the crucial degrees in astrology? ›

Critical degrees are specific points within each sign that are known to have intensified astrological significance. These degrees are 0, 29, and sometimes 15 degrees. Each of these has a special energy and deals with beginnings, endings, and heightened traits or intensity.

Is 0 a critical degree in astrology? ›

A 0-1 degree ascendant is when the ascendant is between 0 and 1 degrees of a sign. This is considered to be a critical degree, and it can have a significant impact on the reading of a chart.

What is a degree in astrology? ›

A circle is 360 degrees, and each zodiac sign takes up 30 degrees (one 12th of the circle). Each sign begins at 0 degrees and grows to 29 degrees going counterclockwise. Every time you hit 30, a new sign begins.

Which zodiac is very critical? ›

Virgos reign supreme as the most critical of the zodiac. Their symbol, the maiden, represents their purity, precision, and dedication to improvement. Virgos possess an uncanny ability to spot flaws and inconsistencies.

What degree is millionaires astrology? ›

The millionaire degree falls in cancer at 29 degrees. So anybody who has a late degree cancer, sun or moon, or an early degree Leo, Sun or moon, is destined for wealth.

What degrees in astrology indicate fame? ›

These personal planets located at these degrees can show the way fame arrives and how the public views you. According to Stojanovic's theory, 5 degrees suggests short-term celebrity, 17 degrees signifies long-term fame, and 29 degrees signifies fame that extends beyond death.

What degree of planet is good? ›

26 to 29 Degrees

Also, it would be all the more beneficial for planets like Rahu, Ketu, Mars, and Saturn to fall under this category. This way they lose their strength in terms of malefic results.

What are the challenging degrees in astrology? ›

Here are the critical degrees for the signs at a glance: Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn): 0, 13, and 26 degrees. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees. Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): 4 and 17 degrees.

What is the critical degree of a Scorpio? ›

For the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), the critical degrees are 0, 13, and 26. For the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), they are 8-9 degrees and 21-22 degrees.

What is the age of Aquarius karma? ›

Karma in the Age of Aquarius:

During this transformative era, individuals and societies may experience the karmic consequences of past actions, both positive and negative, as they navigate the currents of societal change and personal growth.

What does 0 degree in astrology mean? ›

In the natal chart, planets or points at 0° of a sign take a stance that either indulges in or embraces the very pure, undiluted nature of the sign. There's a fresh, unstudied quality to a planet at this degree.

Which degree is powerful in astrology? ›

these degree have huge strength in ones horoscope. It is said that during the transition stage of planet from one rashi/zodiac to other rashi, the planet at 29, 0 and 1 degree possess huge energy to move itself to cross the threshold between the two rashi/zodiac.

What are master degrees in astrology? ›

MA in Astrology is a specialized postgraduate program designed to equip students with a profound understanding of celestial phenomena, planetary influences, and the ancient science of astrology. It delves into the nuances of astrological charts, celestial bodies, and the impact of cosmic energies on human life.

What degree is considered a cusp? ›

For the most part, the term “cusp” refers the boundary between the end of one House and the next zodiacal House. A cusp is essentially when two signs are near the location of a planetary position in your birth chart, typically, 27–3 degree, but 0 is the most cusp it can be.

What are the degree ranges in astrology? ›

The primary astrological aspects around the sky are: 0° conjunction, 30° semi-sextile, 60° sextile, 90° square, 120° trine, 150° quincunx, and 180° opposition.

What are the famous degrees in astrology? ›

So with a personal placement at 5, 17, and 29 degrees in your chart, it shows what you are likely to get attention for. 5° is considered to be short-term fame, while 17° and 29° are considered to be long-term.

What is the significance of the 29 degree in astrology? ›

From an Astrological perspective, a Natal or Personal Astrology chart, with a Magic 29 (or any placement in the 29th degree) indicates a person that is involved in major transitions all throughout their lifetime. It's a special marker of soul evolution and not necessarily an easy one to carry.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.