The Visiting Priestess (2024)

Quest Started By:Description:
  • Najena
  • a visiting priestess


Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Priests of Innoruuk (Min: Dubious)
Factions Raised:
  • King Naythox Thex +15
  • Priests of Innoruuk +100
Factions Lowered:
  • Clerics of Tunare -25
  • Priests of Life -15
  • Priests of Marr -34
  • Primordial Malice -400
Quest Items:
  • Fire Crystal Staff
  • Ice Crystal Staff
  • Scroll of Flayed Goblin Skin
  • Slime Crystal Staff
  • Star Ruby
  • Vial of Noble's Blood
  • Water Crystal Staff
Related Zones:
  • Castle Mistmoore
  • Neriak Commons
  • Neriak Third Gate
  • Solusek's Eye (Solusek A)
Related Creatures:
  • King Xorbb
  • Nallar Q`Tentu
  • Webclaw Murkwave
  • Zanotix Ixtaz [Weapons]
  • a fallen noble
  • a goblin scryer
  • goblin drunkard
Era:The Visiting Priestess (1)
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • Beastlord
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Paladin
  • Shadowknight
  • Shaman
  • Warrior
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Feb 22 22:29:34 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
The Visiting Priestess spawns near the Ogre Captain.

If evil, you can hail her and she asks, "Are you the champion that Najena sent for?". You have to say "I will champion for Najena" and she will give you her quest. She wishes to put together the The Staff of The Ankexfen.

You say, 'I have not heard of the staff.'

a visiting priestess says 'No? Why am I not surprised? You look too weak and frail to be of any use. You probably could not even best one of those intoxicated, weak-minded goblins controlled by that pathetic eye called Xxorb. Away with you, useless creature!'

You say, 'What happened to the Ankexfen?'

a visiting priestess says 'The wrath of the unnamed gods was grim. Thousands of ogres were instantly slain - their empire left to crumble under the hand of retribution. The giants were flung across the face of Norrath like seeds to the wind. The Ankexfen's fates were more severe. The entire race was exterminated, but from the ashes were born the four goblin races. What is known is that each goblin clan was stripped of any knowledge and was neither informed of the other clans nor of their own origins. Each clan was then transported to a separate environment to help preserve the gods' will. However, the gods were not without mercy and each clan was granted a section of the staff. Upon each staff, a crystal was placed. These staves served to aid the goblin clans in understanding their environments. These remnants of the staff of Ankexfen are what I desire. Bring them to me and the Priests of Innoruuk shall reward you.'

  • These pieces are the four Crystal Staves: the Ice Crystal Staff, the Water Crystal Staff, the Slime Crystal Staff, and the Fire Crystal Staff. Hand them in.

    a visiting priestess grins evilly as she disassembles the staff and holds forth a runed wooden rod.
    a visiting priestess grins evilly as she disassembles the staff and holds forth a runed wooden rod.
    a visiting priestess grins evilly as she disassembles the staff and holds forth a runed wooden rod.
    a visiting priestess cackles with glees as she slowly assembles the runed rods, and with a muttered incantation and a flash of light, disappears, leaving only a note that slowly drifts to the ground.

    Your faction standing with Priests of Innoruuk has been adjusted by 100.
    Your faction standing with King Naythox Thex has been adjusted by 15.
    Your faction standing with Priests of Marr has been adjusted by -34.
    Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare has been adjusted by -25.
    Your faction standing with Priests of Life has been adjusted by -15.
    Your faction standing with Primordial Malice has been adjusted by -400.
    You gain experience!!

  • This will put the Scroll of Flayed Goblin Skin into your inventory. It reads:(some illegible and cryptic text regarding Neriak and blue flames. There is a portion that appears as if erased of ink, most likely by magical means)
  • Take the scroll to Nallar Q`Tentu in Neriak, 3rd Gate.

    When Hailed, he responds with "Lower your voice *playerrace*, these halls contain many tomes.....speak the wrong word loudly enough, and you could be turned into a frog, or worse. Heed my warning"

    You say, 'what about the blue flame?'

    Nallar Q`Tentu 's face twists into an expression of complete confusion. The librarian says, 'The Ritual? Of the Blue Flame? Yes I know of it. But why wou..never mind. The ritual is fairly simple. The sacrifice is [flayed] and thrown into the fire just before death overcomes it. The flaying brings out an almost euphoric state of hatred and despisal. It's this that feeds the flame. The influence of our Father blues the flame and allows it to melt our adamantium. '

    You say, 'what about the flayed?'

    Nallar Q`Tentu says 'The flaying is done by our priests and the Denouncer. Flaying itself is used in many other rituals as well. For instance, the skin of a flayed goblin can be used to record a misdeed. The perpetrator records the misdeed upon the skin, an ancient practice which allows the victim to wreak [vengeance] upon the one who wronged them, or their ancestors. The perpetrator shows strength by allowing the victim a chance at vengeance, even though the victim is usually dead. '

    You say, 'what vengeance?'

    Nallar Q`Tentu says 'Vengeance can only be wrought if the victim is given the goblin skin. Since the victim is usually dead it's not much of a danger. has been known to happen. Ironically, this vengeance is possible through the use of the Blue Flame. This flame can act as a doorway to the nether realm, to [summon] the spirit of a victim. On the skin is recorded the House name of the victim and the reason for the deed. '

    You say, 'how to summon?'

    Nallar Q`Tentu says 'Only the Denouncer can call forth a vengeful spirit from the flames. But before he can do so, he'll need blood from a member of the victim's House. Once the blood is cast into the flames, the spirit will emerge only for a short time before the negative pull of the other world draws it back. Why do you ask so many questions on this? Do you have one of these skins? '

    You say, 'yes'

    Nallar Q`Tentu says 'Ahh, well I'll assume if you could read it you wouldn't be asking these questions. Fortunately for you I do have the ability to read these skins and will do so for only one star ruby. These spirits will often reward those who give them their vengeance. With my translation you may find the name of the House. Hand me the skin and a star ruby and we'll see. '

  • After you hand him the skin and the star ruby.

    Nallar Q`Tentu takes the scroll and removes an ornate magnifying glass from a pocket. After some examination and many frowns along with interjections of 'Hmmm,' he hands the scroll back to you and says, 'Unlucky for you indeed. The name of the House has been removed. This can only happen when the House itself is wiped out by another House. All record of that House is destroyed if the attacking house is succesful. You still have a chance though. Many House refugees find homes in other Houses. The Everliving Mayong is known to take in any Teir'Dal rabble, try his castle.' '

    You gain experience!!

  • Zanotix Ixtaz can be found in Neriak Commons, standing behind a big flame. Yes, it's blue.

    You say, 'Hail, Zanotix Ixtaz'

    Zanotix Ixtaz casts an icy glare at you and says 'I, Zanotix Ixtaz, am the greatest weaponsmith in all of Neriak. Have you disturbed me to purchase one of my superior products or have you come to learn the art of crafting [indigo sabres]? '

    You say, 'what about the blue flame?'

    Zanotix Ixtaz gazes at you for many breaths, studying your eyes before looking back at his forge and saying, 'The Blue Flame. This is what allows us to forge our ancestral armor and weapons of adamantite. That and my unmatched skill that is. Many souls were [ritually] sacrificed to spark the flame that now feeds off the constant flow of hatred and envy of the victims . Some call it the Flame of Vengence.' Zanotix stares into the flames, poking at it absently. '

    You say, 'what is the ritual?'

    Zanotix Ixtaz says 'The Ritual? Well I was young when it took place. I don't really remember. I've had so much on my mind lately, what with all these new taxes. For instance, I need to come up with an extra 75 pieces of platinum just to cover the forge tax. I don't know what I'm going to do.....*cough*. '

  • Give him 75 pp.

    Zanotix Ixtaz quickly pockets the coins and says, 'Go see the Librarian, Nallar. Tell him Denouncer Ixtaz sent you. Do not return here for at least 3 days, now go, Dark Elf.' '

    You gain experience!!

  • Go back to Nallar Q`Tentu.

    You say, 'denouncer ixtaz sent me'

    Nallar Q`Tentu stiffens at the mention of the title. His eyes dart back and forth about the room before speaking to you, his voice almost inaudible. He says, 'Why are you here? What do you want of me? I am nothing but a lowly librarian. I've already paid my debt, I have nothing else to give.' '

    You say, 'I am here for the ritual'

    Nallar Q`Tentu 's face twists into an expression of complete confusion. The librarian says, 'The Ritual? Of the Blue Flame? Yes I know of it. But why wou..never mind. The ritual is fairly simple. The sacrifice is [flayed] and thrown into the fire just before death overcomes it. The flaying brings out an almost euphoric state of hatred and despisal. It's this that feeds the flame. The influence of our Father blues the flame and allows it to melt our adamantium. '

  • Give Zanotix the Vial of Noble's Blood found in Mistmoore Castle on a fallen noble.

    Zanotix Ixtaz accepts the vial and looks you over, eyebrow raised. He says, 'Well, a sacrifice to feed my forge. You have done Neriak a great service, Citizen ______. I shall burn it now.' He then holds the vial up the the flames, the blood seems to glow brightly as he stares into it. Then suddenly, with the shout of an arcane phrase, he throws the vial violently into the flame. The force shatters the vial, spilling the blood about the flames. Almost immediately the flames flare up to the ceiling. When they die down a presence is felt within the flames. '

    Cast See Invisible to see the vengeful spirit. Then hand it the scroll.

    vengeful spirit flares brightly as you place the scroll into the blue flames of the forge. The scroll quickly catches fire and burns out in a flash of white fire. In it's place is left a hammer. As you snatch the hammer from the flames you hear the spirit begin to cackle wildly and fade away. '

    Your faction standing with NeriakCitizen got better.
    You gain experience!!

    You get the Blued Two-Handed Hammer.

    Need current dialogues, current faction hits, /loc of quest mobs, missing quest mobs, missing items, any other missing information.

  • Rewards:
    • Blued Two-Handed Hammer
    Send a Correction

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    skippabe step


    # Apr 15 2024 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good



    47 posts

    this step can be skipped.

    "Go back to Nallar Q`Tentu.

    You say, 'denouncer ixtaz sent me'

    Nallar Q`Tentu stiffens at the mention of the title. His eyes dart back and forth about the room before speaking to you, his voice almost inaudible. He says, 'Why are you here? What do you want of me? I am nothing but a lowly librarian. I've already paid my debt, I have nothing else to give.' '

    You say, 'I am here for the ritual'

    Nallar Q`Tentu 's face twists into an expression of complete confusion. The librarian says, 'The Ritual? Of the Blue Flame? Yes I know of it. But why wou..never mind. The ritual is fairly simple. The sacrifice is [flayed] and thrown into the fire just before death overcomes it. The flaying brings out an almost euphoric state of hatred and despisal. It's this that feeds the flame. The influence of our Father blues the flame and allows it to melt our adamantium. ' "

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    Not all steps are necessary


    # Nov 03 2023 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good



    29 posts

    I skipped the 75pp step; it's likely that the skin + star ruby step can be skipped (unless the skin that you get back is a different item id).

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    # Nov 16 2022 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default


    36 posts

    I've done this quest two times now. I'm not sure why.

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    opening dialogues


    # Jun 04 2022 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent



    The Visiting Priestess (2)The Visiting Priestess (3)

    278 posts

    i tried tons of combinations to get the opening dialogue, this is the right phrase :

    [Sat Jun 04 13:42:09 2022] You say, 'Hail, a visiting priestess'
    [Sat Jun 04 13:42:09 2022] A visiting priestess says, 'Hail, _____! Are you the champion Najena sent for?'

    [Sat Jun 04 14:02:21 2022] You say, 'willing'
    [Sat Jun 04 14:02:22 2022] A visiting priestess says, 'Very well then, _____. I am Aerthane D'Zitherak, Priestess of Innoruk, seeker of the fabled and ancient staff of Ankexfen. Have you ever heard of this relic?'

    [Sat Jun 04 14:02:45 2022] You say, 'yes i have'
    [Sat Jun 04 14:02:45 2022] A visiting priestess says, 'So you have heard of it? Tell me what you know. I would be most amused to hear what a feeble creature such as yourself might know of the staff of Ankexfen.'

    I couldn't figure out the next dialogue for this, it might just go straight to "what happened to the ankexfen?"

    Anything with "no" or "not" gives the response :
    [Sat Jun 04 13:42:57 2022] A visiting priestess says, 'No? Why am I not surprised? You look too weak and frail to be of any use. You probably could not even best one of those intoxicated, weak-minded goblins controlled by that pathetic eye called Xxorb. Away with you, useless creature!'

    Edited, Jun 4th 2022 1:19pm by ElrozTAKP

    Edited, Jun 4th 2022 1:45pm by ElrozTAKP

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    6/10 Mischief


    # Jun 10 2021 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent


    9 posts

    Howdy. Completed this today with the help of an enchanter friend on the Free Trade Mischief Server. Got the Slime staff from embalmer in rathe, bought the fire and ice crystal staffs for about 40plat each, and farmed the water crystal staff. Using #2 method on the water goblin in rathe, got the staff first spawn, about 3 placeholders. Very fast. The enchanter was then able to dark elf illusion/charm/alliance/lul/mez around the priestess for the turn in, and running around neriak for all the turn ins. There seems to be someone in Mistmoore hunting the nobles for one reason or another often, and half the people either have no interest in the blood, or are willing to sell/give away one. Just getting to the fountain area may be the most 'difficult' part of the quest really. Lots of see invis mobs in mistmoore, so being 30-40+ probably best if you want to vaguely feel safe in mistmoore. Other than that, just wanted it known any class can seemingly do the quest. Oh, i accidentally turned in the skin to Nallar Q`Tentu alone the first time, and he took the scroll, then had to leave and go find a star ruby because i didnt read far enough ahead. One of the few quest people in EQ i have met that will allow you to turn in pieces separately and it remembers. Good Luck!

    Edited, Jun 10th 2021 12:46pm by Barqe

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    quick guide to farming item


    # Jan 25 2021 at 6:50 PM Rating: Excellent

    baketomato da Basher

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    Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.

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    # Jul 01 2020 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good



    46 posts

    Can be done as non-evil races with Sneak and some faction.

    As a Tunare-worshiping wood elf ranger, I got my Neriak guard/merchant faction up turning in a few thousand red wine at the Neriak Library. A visiting priestess sees invis and you can't get non-kos with her without wrecking important factions, so getting behind her with sneak is tricky. Have to hail her some direction without line of sight to get her to turn, and then she takes the turn-in fine. From there, simple turn in of the noble's blood and the flayed skin.

    Another detail that's changed is apparently this is one of the quests they changed so that the final turn-in cannot be stolen: the vengeful spirit that spawns has an asterisk in front of his name. Kind of superfluous since someone would have had to farm all four staffs to steal the final turn-in.

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    # May 15 2020 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent


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    I was able to get the text at dubious.

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    # May 16 2020 at 11:24 PM Rating: Excellent


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    drool wrote:

    I was able to get the text at dubious.

    I'm guessing dubious to Priests of Innoruuk.


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    # May 26 2023 at 8:08 AM Rating: Excellent


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    Edited, May 26th 2023 9:10am by drool

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    Possible steps that can be skipped


    # Jul 29 2016 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent


    8 posts

    Not sure if it's because i've already done the whole quest but my second time doing this i was able to skip all the dialog and zone hoping in neriak by going straight to Zanotix Ixtaz (weapons) and give him the noble's blood and he summoned the Vengeful Spirit to turn in the scroll.

    So loot staffs, turn into priestess... Go get noble's blood from Mistmoore... Turn blood in to Zanotix and give scroll to Spirit.

    Staffs drops have been a bit of a pain to get but here's how it went for me.
    - Water: Managed to kill his ph right after getting to the location and just kept killing respawn. Everytime dropped a staff so i had 5 staffs in about 2 hours.
    - Ice: 5 staffs from scryers in about 40 hours
    - Fire: 2 staffs in around 70 hours. Think i've just had some really bad luck with this one. him spawning isn't the problem, it's been him spawning with the staff.
    - Slime: First time that i wanted to do this quest was several months ago, i camped xorbb for 2 weeks STRAIGHT and not a sign of him. i've popped in and out of the zone several times for a few hours at a time, also with no luck. then about 3 weeks ago i was there camping heavy clay for tradeskilling and had him spawn 3 times in about 4 hours, each time having a staff.

    I wasn't paying attention the first time i did the quest and tried handing the guy in the library the noble's blood and he wouldn't take it, thinking i messed up somewhere i tried giving him the scroll again and he ATE it! I came back and read it again and realized what i had done wrong and out of frustration i killed him. However, i still managed to complete it 2 more times which is probably more than about 98% of EQ's population can say so I'm content.

    Good Luck

    Edit: Factions

    Your faction standing with Priests of Innoruuk got better. (+100)
    Your faction standing with King Naythox Thex got better. (+15)
    Your faction standing with Priests of Marr got worse. (-35)
    Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare got worse. (-25 I think, was already max hated by Tunare, but killing Priestess Llandra effectively reverses all of them and she's listed as +25)
    Your faction standing with Priests of Life got worse. (-15)
    Your faction standing with Primordial Malice got worse. (-400)

    Edited, Aug 1st 2016 12:42am by Arothorn

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    Possible steps that can be skipped


    # Feb 14 2019 at 8:49 PM Rating: Excellent



    The Visiting Priestess (22)

    130 posts

    Can confirm that the faction changs from the visiting priestess are -25 for the Clerics - specifically:
    [Fri Feb 15 00:18:19 2019] Your faction standing with Priests of Innoruuk has been adjusted by 100.
    [Fri Feb 15 00:18:19 2019] Your faction standing with King Naythox Thex has been adjusted by 15.
    [Fri Feb 15 00:18:19 2019] Your faction standing with Priests of Marr has been adjusted by -34.
    [Fri Feb 15 00:18:19 2019] Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare has been adjusted by -25.
    [Fri Feb 15 00:18:19 2019] Your faction standing with Priests of Life has been adjusted by -15.
    [Fri Feb 15 00:18:19 2019] Your faction standing with Primordial Malice has been adjusted by -400.
    (although it was 34 for the Priests of Marr)

    No problem handing in the 4 staffs to the visiting priestess as an Ogre but was surprised to see the Ogre guards in Najena were KoS (even Ogres don't love Ogres?) so had an alt zap them from outside the room because I didn't want to risk messing up with the hand-in after the time it took collecting them (alt was already there doing the guard room clear out to get her to spawn). I was able to follow the advice and get a water staff from Webclaw fairly quickly; the goblin scryer in Permafrost turned up after about 5 wipes but I was picking up a few other things from the zone so didn't mind that; the fire staff I'd looted ages ago while doing a Teek task so not 100% sure but assume it was off the bartender as suggested; but getting Xorbb to spawn took by far the longest and I ended up having three toons around the major intersections and switching between them to snag anything moving for a couple of days (maybe 12 hours?). Don't know if I was particularly lucky but the mobs dropped their staffs first time around.

    - I had the same brain failure with the handing in of the nobles blood, trying to give it to Nallar in the library rather than Zanotix in the forge - seems like a weird backtrack just for one conversation, paricularly because the second phrase shown in the write up here just repeats what he said first time around, someone could probably just ignore that "don't come back for 3 days" remark and hand in the blood straight after the 75pp. Incidentally i had already done the red wine quest to boost my Neriak factions which meant i was happy to wander around among the DEs -

    As a warrior I wasn't able to cast a see invisible spell for the final hand-in but fortunately I had Tobrin's Mystical Eyepatch hanging around in the bank (from killing Talendor I think) and had no problem while wearing that so there's probably lots of items/potions non-spellcasters can use.

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    Still works


    # Jun 13 2013 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent


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    This Quest still works fine, just received my Blued Twohanded Hammer. Even though I conned dubious to the visiting priestess in Najena as a Troll, I could still hand in the 4 staffs and get the Scroll from her. She would not respond to the phrase

    I will champion for Najena

    However she did respond to the other two phrases mentioned in the Quest description.

    I was Ally with the other two involved NPCs in Neriak. Before I did all the hand-ins, I did the Stop Pay Troll quest where you hand in 4 Bat Blood (get them ins SolB) to GLob, a TRoll outside the entrance to Neriak. I am still not sure if this gives a positive factionhit for the Priests of Inoruuk(considering the message you get that you can not raise your faction with this particular faction anymore through this quest) , the visiting priestess still conned dubious after this, but as said, she accepted the staffs and gave me the scroll.

    The Project Lightning proc does 89 damage at my level which is 75.

    This quest was fun to do, I did get a bit lucky with King Xorrb, I guess.....

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    Appropriate classes


    # Aug 31 2011 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent



    42 posts

    The appropriate classes listed cannot use the item reward?

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    # Feb 07 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent


    13 posts

    Since it states "if evil" I gather that this quest is only available to with an evil bent to their characters... though I am curious what would happen to a non evil... nothing?

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    # May 20 2008 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent


    13 posts

    I didn't have any Dark Elf potions so I just used some Troll ones and that worked fine for the Neriak parts of the quest! Its a rare quest to complete, I bet I am the only one on Firiona Vie with it.!

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    Visiting Priestess


    # Jan 03 2008 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent


    The Visiting Priestess (24)

    The Visiting Priestess (25)

    The Visiting Priestess (26)The Visiting Priestess (27)The Visiting Priestess (28)The Visiting Priestess (29)

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    I have had the 3 goblin dropped staffs banked for 3-4 years, finally caught King Xorbb up the other day and got the 4th staff.

    Killed the 3 ogres (captain, guard officer, etc.) --on most maps this room will be labelled guard captain. I cleared it then logged, the third day I logged in the Visiting Priestess was up. She conned dubious to my Drakkin self and would not accept the items. Illusion troll and dark elf was not sufficent, fortunately I could alliance (chanter faction spell) to do the turn in.

    The garden/fountain area of Mistmoore Castle was cleared once and the fallen noble spawned for me (lucky maybe?) and dropped the blood required for the turn in at the Neriak Smithy.

    Used illusion dark elf and alliance to be amiable with dark elves in the smithy and did the turn ins of the blood and then flayed skin.

    I did no dialogues, faction work (but only because of alliance), nor payment of plat to npc.

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    Attempting 07.


    # Apr 07 2007 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent


    21 posts

    Successfully completed today April 8th 2007. I got 3 of the staves from fabled versions of the npcs. Worst camp was fire staff from solb. Did all the turn ins on a KoS iksar monk using FD / sneak. Total time probably about 20 hours or 4 days.

    Edited, Apr 8th 2007 10:48pm by Sslar

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    Completed With Iksar Monk


    # Sep 01 2004 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent


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    Completed it today with and iksar monk following CZ.
    1) Went to East Freeport undergrounds and used DE potion to get quest from Saxariva Zaxun.
    2) Went to Neriak-3rd Gate and gave the scroll that Saxariva gave to me to Perrir Zexus in the cleric's guild, again in DE form. Repeated this again for ally faction when in DE form.
    3) Went to Najena and camped a visiting priestess. Handed her the 4 staffs (which I bought in the bazaar, no camping for me tyvm).
    4) Went to Mistmoore and camped a fallen noble for blood.
    5) Went back to Neriak-3rd Gate and gave 660 red wines to Lokar To'biath. That many was really unnecessary. Thought I'd get good faction with guards...wrong. Still threateninly when in iksar form. You can stop after you get message "Your faction standing with Dark Bargainers can not get any better".
    6) Went to Neriak-Commons and after FD the guards off me gave Zanotix Ixtaz the noble's blood.
    7) Gave Flayed Goblin Skin to the vengeful spirit that pops. Got my hammer.

    This is all you need to do, all the other text is worthless.

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    Finished April 24, 2004


    # Apr 24 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good


    2 posts

    Just finished this quest as of April 24, 2004.
    I conned threateningly to the priestest as a human wiz, however in dark elf form (using guise of the deceiver) I conned dubious. Using the key words "I have not heard of the staff" began the dialog. i then handed all 4 staffs and recieved the flayed scroll with no problem. Priestess despawned immediatly and was replaced by the ogre guard as previoulsy stated. I then gated to neriak and handed nobles blood into Zanotix (in the weapons shop) which spawned Vengeful Spirit with no problem. Handing Flayed Scroll to Vengeful Spirit resulted in the hammer. Good luck to those that follow.

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    Still works


    # Nov 09 2003 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent


    12 posts

    Just did this quest. Slime crystal staff is a pain. But quest is active.

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    Completed quest today


    # Mar 06 2003 at 12:36 AM Rating: Excellent



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    1,312 posts

    Camp 6 mobs -- King Xorbb and the three goblins, the visiting priestess, the fallen noble -- maybe 1-8 hours each. But I didn't bother to start this quest until I happened upon Xorbb's slime staff for sale in Bazaar. All camps easily soloable at high levels, but long.

    The two steps where you pay 75 pp or hand in a star ruby are not necessary -- I skipped them both to save money and the quest works fine. Casting see invisible is also not necessary -- the vengeful spirit is simply a floating name. All dialog in this quest is optional.

    All of the turn-in NPCs are on dark elf faction, including the visiting priestess. So because I'm not liked in Neriak, I created a dark elf mule (cleric) to loot the no-drop noble's blood and do all of the hand-ins. The Blued Two-Handed Hammer reward is tradeable.

    Edited, Thu Mar 27 19:14:15 2003

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    What Mob drops Fire Crystal Staff?


    # Jan 06 2003 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent


    7 posts

    I've managed to find the mob for the other 3 staves but not this one. There has been mention that it might be the Goblin Drunkard but I want to know for certain before I camp a gob for 3 days.

    Fire Crystal Staff - Solasek A
    Ice Crystal Staff - An Ice Goblin Scryer lvl 27 (Permafrost)
    Slime Crystal Staff - King Xorbb lvl 30 (Beholders Maze)
    Water Crystal Staff - Webclaw Murkwave lvl 25 (Lake Rathetear) by Arena

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    RE: What Mob drops Fire Crystal Staff?


    # May 28 2003 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent


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    5 posts

    I can verify that the Goblin Drunkard does indeed drop the fire crystal staff. Probably an UNCOMMON drop for him ( as opposed to the Frothy Goblin Tonic ). I think (?) you can see that he has the staff in his hand if/when he's going to drop it.

    G'luck !

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    More text


    # Nov 12 2002 at 8:10 PM Rating: Excellent


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    The Visiting Priestess (33)The Visiting Priestess (34)

    262 posts

    You say, 'Hail, a visiting priestess'
    a visiting priestess says 'Hail, Sylphan! Are you the champion Najena sent for?'
    You say, 'I will champion for Najena'
    You say, 'I have heard of the staff'
    You say, 'I have not heard of the staff'
    a visiting priestess says 'No? Why am I not surprised? You look too weak and frail to be of any use. You probably could not even best one of those intoxicated, weak-minded goblins controlled by that pathetic eye called Xxorb. Away with you, useless creature!'
    You say, 'what happened to the Ankexfen?'
    a visiting priestess says 'The wrath of the unnamed gods was grim. Thousands of ogres were instantly slain - their empire left to crumble under the hand of retribution. The giants were flung across the face of Norrath like seeds to the wnd. The Ankexfen's fates were more severe. The entire race was exterminated, but from the ashes were born the four goblin races. What is known is that each goblin clan was stripped of any knowledge and was neither informed of the other clans nor of their own origins. Each clan was then transported to a separate environment to help preserve the gods' will. However, the gods were not without mercy and each clan was granted a section of the staff. Upon each staff, a crystal was placed. These staves served to aid the goblin clans in understanding their environments. These remnants of the staff of Ankexfen are what I desire. Bring them to me and the Priests of Innoruuk shall reward you.'
    a visiting priestess kindly considers you -- You could probably win this fight.
    a visiting priestess grins evilly as she disassembles the staff and holds forth a runed wooden rod.
    a visiting priestess grins evilly as she disassembles the staff and holds forth a runed wooden rod.
    a visiting priestess grins evilly as she disassembles the staff and holds forth a runed wooden rod.
    a visiting priestess cackles with glees as she slowly assembles the runed rods, and with a muttered incantation and a flash of light, disappears, leaving only a note that slowly drifts to the ground.
    Your faction standing with Priests of Innoruk got better.
    Your faction standing with King Naythox Thex got better.
    Your faction standing with Priests of Marr got worse.
    Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare got worse.
    Your faction standing with Priests of Life got worse.
    Your faction standing with Primordial Malice got worse.
    You gain experience!!


    -- Sylphan Ducambrius, Master Artisan and Enchanter on Cazic-Thule

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    # Oct 17 2002 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent



    19 posts

    wild guess.. the visiting priestess is probably on Priests of Innoruuk (DE cleric guild) faction ;)

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    # Oct 11 2002 at 3:43 PM Rating: Excellent



    32 posts

    No, it is not possible to get the staff of Ankexfen, the priestess poofs as soon as all 4 crystal staves are handed in.

    My erudite had Ally faction with Dark Bargainers (most merchants and NPCs in Neriak) and Kindly with the guards, but the priestess conned Dubious to me and would not give me the quest. Priestess spawns in place of the ogre to the right of the Ogre Captain (as you face the captain). Conned green to my 52 wiz, and blue to my 34 chanter. I was able to drag her to zone and then charm her to get the quest.

    The only part of this quest that is No Drop is the vial of Nobles Blood, the flayed goblin skin is droppable and stays that way, so you could make a Dark Elf Inoruuk mule to talk to the priestess.

    The noble was difficult, she spawns with two other mobs at the fountain (fortunately, none of the dozen mobs in the courtyard agro during the fight and the noble and her friends don't run). She dropped the nobles robe and the blood the first time. I ran all the way to the fountain from the mistmoore entrance with Invis.

    The vengeful spirit is a pain. You can see its name, but it's very hard to hand the scroll to it. I dropped the scroll several times trying to hand it in and eventually switched settings to Never drop items and then clicked away till it opened the give window.

    Risk vs. Reward... As far as *risk*, the four monsters that drop the staves can be killed by one or two lv30s at most (if you can ever FIND king Xorbb, I looked several hours a day for a week -- when he pops he'll likely get ganked by a druid running through the zone on the way to/from EK) so I'd say that mistmoore would be the toughest part. As far as *effort* vs reward, well... waiting and camping and trying to find several rare mobs and drops that easily exceed finding the ancient cyclops in annoyance for a 2hb that few people will use. Might be nice for untwinked clerics and pallys that can refresh their own stamina...

    This hammer needs a cool graphic or something to make it look unique. Add some prestige to having completed this quest if the stats aren't the reward...

    Edit: The hammer begins to proc at level 30; Project Lightning does 63dd to all mobs near the wieldier, plus knockback and interrupting spellcasting.

    Edited, Thu Oct 17 12:47:09 2002

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    Stupid question...


    # Jul 06 2002 at 4:51 PM Rating: Default


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    Is it possible to get the Staff of Ankexfen? I need a good staff, and the name just sounds cool. Any info on this would be appreciated.)

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    RE: Stupid question...


    # May 06 2003 at 7:21 PM Rating: Default


    The Visiting Priestess (35)

    188 posts

    Well, here's what I've been told:

    The staff is the staff that Firiona Vie (you know, the spokes-elf) wields, real cool look.

    And the only time I ever heard about someone having it was a guildie told me that a member of the uber guild on my server had it, but that was a year ago so I dont know whether they still play or not.

    Im doing the quest now and gonna try to figure out loopholes to get the staff...

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    # Mar 09 2002 at 10:31 AM Rating: Default


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    if any one nows what or how to gain faction whit her i did like to now for i am good and gaining fraction whit her would be nice so i can do the guest my self wahipple wipple paly 33

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