Dashboard | Live Helper chat (2024)


All work by default are happening in dashboard. Operators during work session does not have to use any other window. Operator here is able to

  • Drag & Drop widgets
  • Chat with customers
  • See departments/operators statistic

Required permissions for chat listing

In short grant 'lhchat','list_all_chats'(required) or 'lhchat','list_my_chats'(required) 'lhchat','list_pending_chats'(optional)

More information

Required permissions for mail listing

In short grant 'lhmailconv','list_all_mails'(required) or 'lhmailconv','list_my_mails'(required) 'lhmailconv','list_pending_mails'(optional)

More information

Default dashboard widgets. It's default look you should get once you login to back office first time.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (1)

Online operators

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (2)

Required configuration

Operator can see only operator from the departments he is assigned to OR he has All departments checked.

In order to see online operators following conditions has to be satisfied

You have to activate List online operators. in

Configuration -> Live Help Configuration -> Chat configuration -> Misc

Operator has to have one of these permissions. Operator will see only operators from his departments. Don't forget to assign department to operator...

'lhuser', 'userlistonline'


Operator will see all online operators not only from his departments

'lhuser', 'userlistonlineall'

Operator in dashboard widget settings ​Dashboard | Live Helper chat (3) has to choose Online operators

If operator has permission

'lhuser', 'setopstatus'

He will be able to click on Dashboard | Live Helper chat (4) and change other operator status directly.

In order to enable messaging other operators Dashboard | Live Helper chat (5) through the Online operators following module has to be enabled:

'lhgroupchat', 'use'

This is part of the Group chats functionality.

Offline indicators

If the operator recently went offline, there is icons which shows that

  • Time offline < 60 seconds color will be Dashboard | Live Helper chat (6)
  • Time offline > 60 [1m.] AND Time offline <= 120 [2m.] seconds color will be Dashboard | Live Helper chat (7)
  • Time offline > 120 [2m. 1s.] AND Time offline <= 360 [6m.] seconds color will be Dashboard | Live Helper chat (8)
  • Time offline > 360 [6m. 1s.] AND Time offline <= 600 [10m.] seconds color will be Dashboard | Live Helper chat (9)
  • Time offline > 600 [10m. 1s.] AND Time offline <= 900 [15m.] seconds color will be Dashboard | Live Helper chat (10)
  • Time offline > 900 [15m. 1s.] AND Time offline <= 3600 [1h.] seconds color will be Dashboard | Live Helper chat (11)

After one-hour icon disappears.

Ongoing trigger alerts!

This widget shows only chats with specific triggers selected. It's usefull for monitoring purposes to see only chats with specific subjects.

  • It also plays sound independently on sound settings of operator.
  • Notification is shown based on operator settings.
  • Sound played - design/defaulttheme/sound/subject_chat.mp3
  • By default, once enabled, we show all chats which has at-least one subject set

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (12)

For managers, I recommend having something like that in their account

  • They will see subject notifications and chats only if it's assigned to them.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (13)

Required configuration

To see subjects widget


To be able to set subjects filter for that widget and set mobile notifications for specific chat subjects.


Departments stats

You can see present department's statistic.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (14)

Columns and their meanings

  • Pending chats - number of pending chats department/department group has
  • Active chats - number of actives chats department/department group has
  • Bot chats - number of active bot chats
  • Load columns - current status of department load based on max chats operators can have.
    • It's value is calculated by hard limit - active chats (soft limit - active chats)
    • Hard limit - is the sum of max chats value of logged operators OR the operators who were online in last 10 minutes
    • Active chats - number of active chats in department or department group
    • Soft limit - is the sum of max chats of operators who were active during last 10 minutes.

Operator also can click on Load column and see detailed load statistic.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (15)

Required configuration

In order for operators to see his own department statistic he has to have this permission


To see all departments statistic, not only assigned to him - this permission is also required.


In order to see download stats icon this permission is required.

'lhstatistic', 'exportxls'

To see department detailed load statistic by clicking on Load column operator has to have this permission


Online visitors

In this widget you will see your site visitors.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (16)

Background colors and their meanings

  • blue background - page view happened in the last 15 seconds
  • green background - is visitor still connected check happened less than Chat configuration < Visitor activity < Interval between chat status checks in seconds, 0 disabled.
  • grey - visitor check for online was missed

Text colors and their meanings

  • green text - is visitor still connected check happened less than Chat configuration < Visitor activity < Interval between chat status checks in seconds, 0 disabled.
  • yellow text - check was received Chat configuration < Visitor activity < Interval between chat status checks in seconds, 0 disabled. + 300 seconds OR if activity tracking is enabled and check is received + 10 seconds
  • grey text - visitor is offline

Required configuration

Required permission for operators

'lhchat', 'use_onlineusers'

By default operator sees only visitors from departments assigned to him. If you want to allow him to see all online visitors from various departments he has to have this permission


My active and pending chats

This widget shows only chats assigned to logged operator. Chat can be either in pending or active state, but it has to be assigned to logged operator.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (17)

Required configuration

  • In Account -> Visible lists page he has to active My pending and active chats list enabled
  • Operator in dashboard widget settings ​Dashboard | Live Helper chat (18) has to choose My active and pending chats

By default operator does not have permission to set custom filters for that widget. This is default because if auto assignment is setup and operator set's filter he might miss a chat from other departments.


Pending chats

This widget shows all departments pending chats to which operator has access to.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (19)

  • How to deny the operator to open all pending chats?.
  • How to show only to operator assigned pending chats?

Required configuration

  • In Account -> Visible lists page he has to active Pending chats list enabled

Transferred chats

Transferred chats to him directly or one of his departments will be shown here.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (20)

Active chats

Shows presently ongoing chats. Shows only chats from his departments.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (21)

  • How to deny the operator to open all chats?.

Required configuration

  • In Account -> Visible lists page he has to active Active chats list enabled

Closed chats

Shows recently closed chats. Up to 50 last closed chats. Limit is because of performance. We take last 50 chats and return only closed ones.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (22)

Permissions for chat opening is explained here

Required configuration

  • Chat configuration -> Misc -> List closed chats, disabled for high performance check and save
  • In dashboard configuration choose Closed chats
  • In Account -> Visible lists page he has to active Closed chats list enabled

Unread chats

Shows chats where there is indication about an unread message. Up to 50 unread chats. Limit is because of performance. We take last 50 chats and return only chats with unread messages. Usually there is no requirement to have this list because active chat list has indication about an unread message in any case.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (23)

Required configuration

  • Chat configuration -> Misc -> List unread chats, disabled for high performance check and save
  • In dashboard configuration choose Unread chats
  • In Account -> Visible lists page he has to active Unread chats list enabled

Bot chats

Shows all chats which one bot is handling.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (24)

  • How to deny to operator open bot chats?

Required configuration

  • In Account -> Visible lists page he has to active Bot chats list enabled

Group chats

In group chats operators sees 1 on 1 chats and public group chats.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (25)

  • Unread chats has this Fire icon in front of the name.
  • House icon indicates that you are an owner of the group chat.
  • Shield icon indicates it's a private chat.
  • Word icon indicates it's a public chat.

Required configuration

For the operator to see this widget he has to have


If you want private chats can open automatically for you. Navigate to Account -> Chats -> Auto join private chats

If operator has permission to


He will be able also to create a public groups.

If operator has permission


He will see also group chats settings in System configuration

Chat tabs options

You can choose few quick options how chat tabs are displayed

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (26)

Open my active chats

Clicking this button will load your active chats. Limit of 10 chats applies.

Keep my active chats

We will automatically load your active chats in chat window. Limit of 10 chats applies. If you want to see your open chats even if you opened some in other windows makes sense to have this checked.

hide nick for offline chats

If you choose to hide nicknames for offline chats. You will get similar look to this. Chat where visitor is gone will be without nick.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (27)

Reset widget filters

Sometimes operators applies so many filters and get lost why he seems/or does not see all chats. This will reset all applied operator custom filters and will leave default only.

Old dashboard

You can switch to old dashboard without left column. This option will be removed over time.

In static/dynamic chats order mode

Dynamic mode - default

  • If chat is clicked it's position always will be at the top of chats
  • If customer replies his chat will move to the top of chat list.

Static mode

  • Opened chats will be placed from lowest to highest ID (by chat start time).
  • Visitor message won't move chat to the top of chat list

Hide/Show chat tabs

If you are using new dashboard and don't want to see tab of opened chat you can disable that.

Tabs/List in left column

You can switch left column to tab mode or have it as a list.

Icons and their meanings

Main icons in the widgets

  • Dashboard | Live Helper chat (28) - last message we send was received by visitor
  • Dashboard | Live Helper chat (29) - last message we send was not received by visitor
  • Dashboard | Live Helper chat (30) - visitor is connected
  • Dashboard | Live Helper chat (31) - visitor is not connected anymore
  • Dashboard | Live Helper chat (32) - we have sent the last message
  • Dashboard | Live Helper chat (33) - we have received the last message
  • Dashboard | Live Helper chat (34) - visitor is waiting reply from us longer than defined amount of time in (Chat configuration -> Misc -> How long we should wait before we inform operator about unanswered chat.) and chat is not closed. ($chat->status != erLhcoreClassModelChat::STATUS_CLOSED_CHAT && $chat->last_user_msg_time > ($chat->last_op_msg_time > 0 ? $chat->last_op_msg_time : $chat->pnd_time) && (time() - $chat->last_user_msg_time > (int)erLhcoreClassModelChatConfig::fetchCache('vwait_to_long')->current_value) ? erLhcoreClassChat::formatSeconds(time() - $chat->last_user_msg_time) : null));
  • Dashboard | Live Helper chat (35) - red background is for the same reason as above

Information icon

If you click information icon ​Dashboard | Live Helper chat (36) you will be see chat preview modal window.

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (37)

Accepting chat

You have two ways to accept chat

  • Either you click popup icon ​Dashboard | Live Helper chat (38)
  • Either you click just nick and new tab will be loaded.
  • If you are using auto assignment workflow for you tabs might open automatically.


How to change dashboard tab order

Go to

Configuration -> Live Help Configuration -> Chat configuration -> Misc

  • Link on demo E.g http://demo.livehelperchat.com/site_admin/chat/listchatconfig
  • Find "Home page tabs order" and at very begining add "dashboard" in demo it looks like

Default after new install:


All possible options:

dashboard, online_users, pending_chats, online_map, active_chats, unread_chats, closed_chats, online_operators

That's all after save you will see new dashboard tabs

Why I can't see bot chats?

  • In Account -> Visible lists page he has to active Bot chats list enabled
  • Operator in dashboard widget settings ​Dashboard | Live Helper chat (39) has to choose Bot chats

How to change default dashboard widgets position?

Go to

Configuration -> Live Help Configuration -> Chat configuration -> Misc

  • Find "Home page dashboard widgets order"
  • Dashboard possible widgets.

widgets: online_operators, departments_stats, pending_chats, unread_chats, transfered_chats, active_chats, closed_chats, bot_chats, my_chats

My operators does not see a departments statistic widget?

You have to assign to your operators new permission.


If you want that operator would be able to see all departments statistic this permission has to be assigned


Operator in dashboard widget settings ​Dashboard | Live Helper chat (40) has to choose Departments stats

How can I remove right column in dashboard?

In dashboard right column duplicates what you see in dashboard itself so makes sense just hide right column.

You have to activate Hide right column in frontpage. in

Configuration -> Live Help Configuration -> Chat configuration -> Misc


For operator to be able to use dashboard in general he has to have. It's a must permission because to this page user is redirected once he logins to the system.

front -> default

Dashboard | Live Helper chat (2024)


What is a chat helper? ›

What is a Chat Support Agent? A chat support agent connects with customers through instant messaging on a business's website or mobile app. The online chat representative may provide technical support, resolve customer service inquiries, or offer additional forms of real-time problem-solving.

Does Helpscout have live chat? ›

Help Scout: Shared Inbox, Help Center, & Live Chat Software.

How to install live helper chat? ›

If you are running a WordPress site, there is a 99.9% chance that Live Helper Chat will work just fine.
  1. Download zip, tgz.
  2. Minimum PHP 8.1. If you will want older php version support you will have to install composer dependencies yourself.
  3. Mysql 5.7 >= OR MariaDB 10.2. 3 >= with json_ functions support.
  4. Apache/Nginx.
Jun 14, 2024

How do I turn on chat in Helpscout? ›

Chat. Hit the toggle switch to enable live chat in your Beacon. The option to chat will only show to customers when there are Help Scout Users who are online and available to chat. See User Availability and Maximum Chats for more on chat availability.

Is chat support a real job? ›

Yes, being a chat agent is indeed a real job. Many companies hire chat agents to provide customer support, answer inquiries, and assist users through online chat platforms.

What are the questions asked in a chat process interview? ›

In-Depth BPO Interview Questions
  • What are you more comfortable with, voice process or web-chat process and why?
  • How will you handle the customer on a call when you do not have a solution to their problem?
  • Why is ISO:9000 important for the BPO industry?
  • What do you understand by nearshore outsourcing?
Apr 24, 2024

Is live chat agent legit? ›

Real-world examples indicate that, on average, entry-level chat agents can earn between $10 to $20 per hour, with room for growth and bonuses based on performance. To find legitimate live chat job opportunities, utilize job search platforms, company websites, remote work platforms, and online communities.

Is live chat with a real person? ›

Live chat conversations are entirely handled by real people, no matter the size of the query/issue. Human agents can handle a maximum of 3 to 4 concurrent chats simultaneously. Human agents have to work round the clock to offer 24/7 support.

What do live chat assistants do? ›

A remote chat agent answers customer questions through an online chat platform. Your primary responsibilities are to assist customers and troubleshoot issues. You address minor problems and escalate complicated situations to the proper resources. You connect with clients quickly and provide live help.

What is chatwoot? ›

Chatwoot is an open-source omnichannel customer engagement suite built as an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk etc. Chatwoot helps you to connect email, website live chat, social media handles, WhatsApp etc.

How do I activate community chat? ›

You can access community chats from the left menu of the Messenger app and messenger.com, as well as from your Facebook group. Are an extension of your Facebook group and support multiple chats and channels. Include automated features such as conversation starters, event creation, and more.

Does Helpscout have an app? ›

Work untethered with our free mobile apps. Check in on the queue, collaborate with your team, and improve your response times by keeping Help Scout by your side at all times.

What does a chat assistant do? ›

You connect with clients quickly and provide live help. Your duties include using the chat platform, diagnosing the client's problem, communicating until full satisfaction, and assisting with resolutions. A remote chat agent can work in a call center, office environment, or from home.

What is the meaning of chat assistance? ›

Chat Support refers to real-time communication between a customer and customer support agent via instant messaging, usually through a pop-up dialogue box built into a company's website. It's a fast and cost-effective way to integrate social interaction and personalization to the customer's experience.

Can you make money as a chat assistant? ›

Are you looking for an online job that allows you to earn money from the comfort of your own home? Becoming a live chat assistant might be the perfect option for you. In the age of digital marketing and online consulting, live chat assistance has emerged as a lucrative field with vast earning potential.

What is the role of a chat operator? ›

What Does a Live Chat Operator Do? As a live chat operator, your job is to assist other people using an online chat system. In this role, you may manage the communication process to understand what people are contacting you about, help isolate and resolve problems, and respond to any inquiry about products or services.

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Article information

Author: Catherine Tremblay

Last Updated:

Views: 5653

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.